


主演:Dea Webb|Summer Sawyer|Steve Millin





导演:Chad Smith|

编剧:Chad Smith|


美国独立小公司Monkey Angel Studios出品,Smith兄弟作品,超现实电影,仿默片风格,很像加拿大的GUY MADDIN,但也算有点自己的东西,还不错。DVD已出。
  Set in 1904 a young couple desiring to own land is convinced, by a distant cousin to leave their comfortable city life to pursue homesteading in the Nebraska Prairie. A neighbours house and land has become vacant and the couple is told they can have it. Possibilities of a new life and future for their unborn child overshadow any questions about what happened to the previous occupants of the house.
  Based on a true story, this chilling account portrays the hardships and desolation of prairie life as the young family unearths the horrifying details of the house and its past.
  Hannah House is the feature film debut of Monkey Angel Studios. Written, directed and produced by brothers Max and Chad Smith, Hannah House is a chilling account of true events experienced by one family living in a cursed home on the Nebraska prairie at the turn of the last century.
  Max and Chad Smith are Internationally recognized, award winning filmmakers and visual artists based out of Denver Colorado. Both are Fine Arts graduates of Colorado State University and have been involved in the Denver artistic community for several years. Collectively they have been involved with numerous film and music projects as well as owning their own art gallery.
  In 2000, Max and Chad along with a tight collection of Artists and Musicians, started Monkey Angel Studios, a complete Post-Production, Design and Recording facility.
  Why did you choose this story?
  This story was based on true events that were told to us by our Grandfather. It's such a freaky, tragic tale. I mean people living above a rattlesnake den, the fact that three generations of families that lived in the house went crazy. That's good creepy shit!!
  Why does the movie look the way it does?
  I have always been fascinated with silent film and the visual textures that occurred purely by the serendipitous physical decay of the film itself. The imperfections of the film, the scratches, skip, dirt, trapped hairs, and etc. always seemed to give the film an almost living painting feel.
  I love that. I wanted to treat the film more as a series of moving painted canvases than a photo realistic visual identity. I think given the subject matter it's the perfect marriage.
  How do you describe this movie?
  It is a ghost story with a twist. A sort of surreal Greek tragedy. About characters descent into madness and the sorts of catalyst that sent them spiralling downward.
  Hannah house revives the visual textures and cadence of 1930's silent and talkie films and brings a remnant of history forward. The film definitely has those campy silent film elements but it is mixed with a barrage of truly disturbing imagery. A modern silent film.

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